One Piece 996 - Spoiler
???: The floor opened up!!!
???: Woah!!!!
???: !!!
???: Aaargh!!
Yamato: Oh! that's right!! There was something below!!
Yamato: Momonsouke-kun!! Shinobu-san!! we are gonna escape below!!
Franky: Momo!! Shinobu!! Are you both okay!? Did you get captured!?
Momo/Shinbou: No, she's saving us!!
Franky: Who are you!?
Yamato: Ironman Franky!! I'll be leaving this place to you!!
Yamato: I was (asked/tasked) by Luffy to take care of these two! (puck note: is my guess for this bit - it's cut off)
???: This bit is unreadable - it's cut off
Franky: Super~~~Leave it to me!!
Yamato: It'd be rude of me not to thank you somehow!!
Shinobu: Huh??
Yamato: Hold on a second!!
Yamato: Let me get rid of this dude at least... (puck note - sumin like that would be my guess - not really clear what was said as it is cut off)
*crackle* *crackle*
Yamato: "Reverberating Arrow"!!!
Hatcha: !!?
Chapter 996: "Island of the strongest".
In the cover, Blackbeard is brushing his teeth with a hippo.
Tama runs away on Komachiyo, along with Nami and Usopp on its back. Tama explains that she came here on "an enemy's ship", but gives no further explanation. Nami is fine, Usopp is conscious but he can't talk properly.
Hihimaru (the baboon) appears and blocks Page One, who is chasing Komachiyo. Tama tells Hihimaru to help to stop the enemy for 3 minutes. Nami says the baboon won't stand a chance against Page One and Ulti. Tama replies.
Tama: "Don't look down on us! We came here to fight as samurai!!"
Cut to Yamato. She can't fight properly becouse she has to block bullets from hitting Momonosuke. Shinobu asks Yamato something.
Shinobu: "If you are a samurai, then make a decision. Take Momonosuke-sama and leave me here!"
Yamato: "Kouzuki Oden would never do such a thing."
Sasaki sees that his Armored Troop has lost a lot of men, so he prepares to join the fight himself. Sasaki grabs his sword but then Yamato starts to transform. Her teeth become sharp and there's a growl coming from her mouth. Sasaki seems shocked to see it.
But at that moment, Franky Shogun runs into the scene followed by Haccha. Haccha hits the floor and it collapses. Yamato takes this chance and grabs Momonosuke and Shinobu, then she jumps down below.
Yamato says to Franky that she is leaving Sasaki to him, since Luffy ordered her to protect Momonosuke. But when she's falling in midair, Yamato uses attack "Narikabura", sending a powerful shockwave from her kanabo that knocks out Haccha in one attack. Then she talks with Momonosuke.
Yamato: "You have to live on. The one who will bring this world to its dawn... is you!!"
Cut to underground 2nd floor of Onigashima. Law cuts through Kaidou's men and reaches a Poneglyph. It seems this one isn't a red Poneglyph. Law thinks back to a conversation with Robin.
Law revealed his real name (Trafalgar D. Water Law) to Robin since he thinks she may know the meaning of “D”. However Robin said him that she doesn't know it either, but she's also interested in finding out. Robin told him the only way to know the meaning would be to obtain the red Poneglyphs, which means they need to take down the Yonkou.
Law stands in front of the Poneglyph, thinking about Corazon's words (“D” are the God's natural enemy) and murmurs to himself.
Law: "Cora-san, I really want to know the true meaning of this unfortunate fate..."
Cut to 3rd floor of Onigashima, Kid is running up to the roof with Killer. Kid assembles all metals he found in the castle, so now he has a massive pile of metal parts attached to his arm. Kid asks Killer if this is too much.
Killer: "We are up against the world's strongest pirate. Too much preparation isn't a bad thing!"
Cut to the top floor of Onigashima. Kaidou is beating the Red Scabbards with his kanabo. They put up a fight but all of them are bloodied.
Cut back to the main stage of Onigashima. Big mom flies back into the room, everyone panics. But Big Mom says.
Big Mom: "Don't worry. I only have business on the top floor, where Kaidou is."
Chapter ends in the 2nd floor. Luffy's group is about to reach the stairs to the 3rd floor. Sanji suddenly hears the sound of a woman coming from third floor, she is screaming and playing "yoi de wa nai ka" (よいではないか that means "That's OK" or "No problem").
Someone is pulling the woman kimono's obi off, Sanji is shocked...
- No break next week.

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